Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Birthday!

Well today all I've gotta talk about is January 24, 2008.... First of all, I thank those who greeted me, whether sincerely or not... I don't care about it as long as you greeted me... I thank you for the effort of using your vocal cords for something good. I also would like to emphasize on the role of friends in our lives... I mean the real ones who love you for who you are and not for what you have. My friends are among my greatest treasures and I will never stop thanking God for the one of the greatest birthday gifts He has given me... We also had our Mastery Test and I really hope I'll be able to pass.... I also like to tell all girls out there who have problems with guys who do not care about them (except your relatives of course): "you'll be a lot stronger when you let go of this person who is most definitely not deserving of your love... just stick to your friends and you won't lose anything but instead, you'll learn to forget about the past which you can never change and get ready for the future that awaits you..."